Barry Crutchfield Barry Crutchfield

Mother’s Day-may or may not

It all begins with an idea.

It was Mother’s Day a few weeks ago, I told my friend it was Motherless Day because we lost Mom on April 10th. I don’t know if she remembered any of our conversations for the last year, or so, but I still would have loved to have heard her voice on Mother’s Day. But her voice is in everything I do, every day, I just need to listen.

I know she was with me yesterday. I was baking a cake using a recipe handwritten by her, Her handwriting was notoriously indecipherable. She would send me to the store with a list. I would come home. She would ask why I bought Black Olives when clearly she wanted Black Thread….

I know that she was surprised. not really proud, just surprised, that we made a living as potters. She was born in 1928 and certainly didn’t understand art shows, marketing, and online sales. But she knew we were a happy family and love the life we live.

So, as I was mixing the batter for the cake, in a bowl that we made, with a recipe that may or may not have said 15 cups of fruit, to serve to guests on our own dinnerware, in a home filled with love, I know I am not motherless. I can hear you Mom, thanks for all the love, rest easy, happy Mother’s Day.

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Barry Crutchfield Barry Crutchfield

Blog Post Title Two

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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Barry Crutchfield Barry Crutchfield

Blog Post Title Three

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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Barry Crutchfield Barry Crutchfield

Blog Post Title Four

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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