We kept our heads down.

It turns out that a whole year has gone by and I have not written a thing.

We turned out tons of orders, had weekly dinners with the kids, dealt with health issues, did maintenance on cars and the house. Mostly, we just kept our heads down, focused on the business of life and making pottery.

That is not to say I didn’t find joy, inspiration, and motivation. I truly find it daily. If I was to give myself any piece of advice, it would be to keep on enjoying every bit of time we have. Read the book, paint the painting, buy the pillow…stand on the porch with your face turned to the sun and listen to the redwing blackbirds and chickadees. Take relaxation to the next level. Put down the device and pay attention to the movie.

I have said it before. We love what we do. We never have to drag ourselves to the pottery studio. We talk about pottery all the time. We get excited when we try something new.

We hope that you find joy in your everyday life.

Barry & Terri


Summer has come.


I don’t want to say the “C” word is coming….